Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Gun Control Big Bird Style

Clearly, there is a great conspiracy going on here. 
This is the only pic even close to the
one of Big Bird sporting all that ammo.

The person sitting behind this computer spent quite a bit of time trying to find that infamous picture of Big Bird sporting that gun & wearing all that ammunition with the ad that said, "You want a piece of this, Mitt?".

No mas bueno. Couldn't find it anywhere. Isn't that interesting?

Me thinks that Big Bird doesn't find it that funny anymore now that Obamians are supporting gun control.

Here's an interesting article which highlights the fact that 91% of Americans support universal background checks for the purchase of firearms.

So, what do you think?

While banning assault weapons and magazine clips that carry multiple rounds is sort of an infringement on our 2nd amendment rights, I sort of agree with this type of thinking.

I mean, unnecessary mass killings are happening, people.

Normal people, meaning civilians, don't really need that type of fire power unless the zombie apocalypse is near.

But now that all these North Korea shenanigans are going on, I suppose it could be nice to have one in case Red Dawn the movie starts happening for real.

The point of this blog is not to tell you what or how to think. It's just to tell you to think, unlike our zombie friends, which are incapable of actually doing so.

Dear Americans, 
Quit walking around the country like a zombie believing that ignorance is bliss. Learn about our constitution & dig deep for information about how lots of other countries hate us. If we care about our kids so much to vote #gunsense, don't we also owe it to them to know about issues that could endanger their future?
Geez. Red Dawn the movie could really happen. World War II really wasn't that long ago...

Click here to learn more about gun control & how it relates to the 2nd amendment, please! I beg you.

I think the problem with all this gun control talk regarding the amendments is that most Americans believe that once you give the government an inch, they typically take an entire foot. Taxes & our social security are a prime example. Yeah, thanks for all the tax hikes & that whole "borrowing" out of our giantly grouped fundage we call social security.

Our kids will thank you later, once they're financially devastated & living out of a box.

Here's a genius idea... if you don't have the money, then DON'T spend it!
Cheese and rice.

Here's another genius idea... amp up mental health care in this country. Or, at least the ability for low to mid-income people to get some. I don't have insurance & would love some Prozac, but because my family makes just a little bit too much to qualify for Medicaid I can't get it. So sorry I don't live off the government. But honestly, do you really think I have the wiggle room in my budget to be paying out of pocket for monthly doctor office visits? Come on. Get real. Thanks, but no thanks. I'd rather feed my kids & keep writing this nonsense I call this blog. However, there are people out there that are truly crazier than me & really should be going regularly to doctors for meds & therapy. Duh, said the founder and owner over at the Department of Redundancy Department.
Chocolate Ammo, $19.99
Get It Here

Oh, well... I guess instead of having tons of ammo & Prozac, I can always eat some chocolate... shaped like ammo.

Chocolate does actually boost your mood, FYI...

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